sexta-feira, 24 de junho de 2022

ARLD025 DX News

ARLD025 DX News

ARLD025 DX news

This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by
The Daily DX, the OPDX Bulletin, 425 DX News, DXNL, Contest Corral
from QST and the ARRL Contest Calendar and WA7BNM web sites.  Thanks
to all.

YEMEN, 7O.  David, DL7ZM is QRV as 7O/DL7ZM from Socotra Island,
IOTA AF-028, until July 3.  Activity is on 10 meters using CW and
FT8, and on 6 meters as well.  QSL via

ALGERIA, 7X.  Special event stations 7R19MG and 7Y19MG are QRV until
July 5 for the 19th edition of the Mediterranean Games to be held in
Oran.  QSL via IK2DUW and 7X2VFK, respectively.

MADEIRA ISLANDS, CT3.  Joe, HA2EAV and Csaba, HA2KMR are QRV as
CT9/HA2EAV and CT9/HA2KMR, respectively, until June 28.  Activity is
holiday style on the HF bands.  This includes being active as CR3DX
in the His Majesty King of Spain SSB contest.  QSL via operators'

ST. PIERRE AND MIQUELON, FP.  Eric, KV1J will be QRV as FP/KV1J from
Miquelon Island, IOTA NA-032, from June 28 to July 12.  Activity
will be on the HF bands with a focus on 60 and 6 meters.   This
includes being an entry in the upcoming IARU HF Championship
contest.  QSL to home call.

HONDURAS, HR.  Alex, K6VHF will be QRV as HR9/K6VHF from Roatan
Island, IOTA NA-057, from June 27 to 31.  Activity will be on 80 to
10 meters, and possibly 6 meters, using CW, SSB, and FT8.  QSL to
home call.

THAILAND, HS.  Jerry, HS0ZOY is QRV from Buri Ram.  He is active on
160 to 10 meters.  QSL to home call.

OGASAWARA, JD1.  Koh, JD1AJD is QRV until July 2.  Activity is on 20
to 6 meters using CW, FT8, and FT4, with a focus on 6 meters.  QSL
via JA1ADT.

BULGARIA, LZ.  Special event station LZ18NATO is QRV until June 30
to commemorate the 18th anniversary of Bulgaria's NATO membership.
QSL direct to LZ2VP.

PERU, OA.  Daniel, IK2SGL is QRV as OA9DVK until the end of August.
Activity is on the HF bands using CW and SSB.  QSL via IK6BFH.

MARKET REEF, OJ0.  Henri, OH3JR and Pertti, OG2M will be QRV as
OJ0JR and OJ0MR, respectively, from June 26 to July 6.  They are
here on work assignment.  Activity will be in their spare time on
the HF bands using CW, some SSB, and FT8.  QSL OJ0MR direct to OG2M
and OJ0JR via OH3JR.

GREENLAND, OX.  Bo, OZ1DJJ will be QRV as OX3LX from Upernarvik
Island, IOTA NA-134, from June 27 to July 11.  Activity will be on
the HF bands with a focus on 6 meters and 4 meters.  QSL via OZ0J.

GREECE, SV.  Rolf, HB9TUP is QRV as SV8/HB9TUP from Naxos Island,
IOTA EU-067.  Activity is on the HF bands.  His length of stay is
unknown.  QSL direct to home call.

MACQUARIE ISLAND, VK0.  Matt, VK5HZ is QRV as VK0MQ and will be
stationed here for a few months.  Activity is in his spare time on
the HF bands using SSB and FT8.  QSL via LoTW.

ZIMBABWE, Z2.  Members of the Russian DX Team are QRV as Z21RU from
Harare until June 29.  Activity is on 160 to 6 meters, and Satellite
QO-100, using CW, SSB, and various digital modes with several
stations active.  QSL via R7AL.

Hunt, NCCC RTTY Sprint, NCCC CW Sprint, K1USN Slow Speed CW Test,
Pajajaran Bogor SSB DX Contest, UFT QRP CW Contest and His Majesty
King of Spain SSB Contest will certainly keep contesters busy this
upcoming weekend.

The QCX CW Challenge, OK1WC Memorial, RSGB FT4 Contest, ICWC Medium
Speed CW Test, Worldwide Sideband Activity Contest, Speed CW Test,
RTTYOPS Weeksprint, Phone Weekly SSB Test, A1Club AWT, CWops Test,
Mini-Test 40, and the Mini-Test 80 run from June 27 to 29.

Please see June 2022 QST, page 69, and ARRL and WA7BNM Contest web
sites for details.

Postado por Prado - PY2VOA

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